Cannabis Misuse on the Rise Among Older Adults, Study Shows
You may not think of your grandparents or their friends when it comes to marijuana use. Yet, the trends may be going in the wrong direction, a recent study shows. It isn’t such a small corner of the population, either. According to the data, there has been a noticeable increase...
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Mind Over Matter: Using Mindfulness to Curb Opioid Cravings
In a randomized trial, recent studies showed that individuals experiencing opioid use disorder benefited from mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness has gained attention and popularity in recent years due to the positive impact it has shown to have on stress, tension, and thought patterns. Using mindfulness, individuals can reframe their thinking. Researchers...
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Small Towns Can Spell Big Trouble for Persons with Substance Use Disorders
Studies show that persons in rural areas are significantly less likely to receive care for substance use disorders (SUD) than city dwellers. The evidence suggests that treatment disparities between rural and urban residents are not limited to opioid use disorders. They also span a range of addiction diseases such as...
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Incarcerated Persons with SUD Leave Prison Undiagnosed and Untreated
Incarcerated persons released from prison are unlikely to receive treatment needed for substance use. National estimates suggest that 85% of inmates leave prison suffering from a drug addiction. Only 17% of former inmates have been diagnosed with substance use disorders, with even fewer being provided medications that combat addiction. Researchers...
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